7/7 London Bombings – BBC Panorama Terror Simulation, Mock Terror Drill Goes Live

BBC Panorama program over one year prior to the 7/7 London Bombings simulates terror attack similar to actual attack featuring three train and one road vehicle attack. Mock terror drill by same consultancy firm goes live on the day of the attack.

Broadcast on May 2004. This BBC Panorama show featured a fictional terrorist attack very similar to the real attack of 7 July 2005, over a year later. Each comprised of three train and one road vehicle attack. (Click images to link to videos.)
bbcp.jpgOn the day of 7/7, a firm called Visor Consultants, run by the same Peter Power featured in the mock terror Panorama program, was running a terror drill “almost precisely” the same as the one that occurred. They “had to suddenly switch an exercise from fictional to real”.

ppterrorThe Visor Consultants scenario was “very similar”, “based on bombs going off to the time, the locations”. “We had to stop the exercise and go into real time, although there was a few seconds where the audience didn’t realise whether it was real or not.”reed elsevier

Back-up files available for download here.